Friday, November 7, 2008

Happily Insane

Let's all be happy! We can sing and play all day long! We can dance and have fun and swing and swish and swoosh!

And then, when you go home, I'll still be happy. I'll go to Sunny Fun Meadow World! There I'll sing and dance by myself.

And I'll talk to the trees and the rabbits and the platypuses. We'll all be happy.

Then I'll jump around in the Road To Despair in Sunny Fun Meadow World. Following close behind me will be my army of Monkey-cats. We'll march all the way down the Road To Despair.

Once we reach Despair, I'll continue to smile and grin like a maniac. When all the evil, dark things fly out of the old, dead trees in Despair, I'll laugh my twisted head off.

But then I'll have to share my psychotic joy with EVERYONE. So I'll run to house after house, racing around like the lunatic I am.

And finally, some NICE old lady will call over some of her NICE friends in NICE white lab coats to come and talk to me and keep me company.

And those NICE guys in white lab coats will be my friends. And they'll take me to this NICE little building with NICE little rooms. And the best part is, those little rooms will have padded walls, so I can plow straight into them and scatter my crazy brain around whenever I feel like it.

It sure is fun being insane. Heh. : P

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