Thursday, February 26, 2009


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In school today, instead of doing stupid work and crap, we watched a movie. It was called Anne Frank: The Whole Story. And it was about Anne Frank (no duh). For the past few weeks we've been studying the Holocaust in school, and I guess the movie was supposed to teach us some stuff about the Holocaust.

And when the teachers said we were going to wa
tch a movie, I was thinking it would be some sort of educational documentary thing. But it wasn't. It was a regular film, and a pretty good one at that. It was interesting, exciting, sad, and powerful. There was even some humor thrown into it.

The film followed the trials and triumphs of Anne Frank while she was in hiding, before she went into hiding, and while she was in a concentration camp. The movie was really powerful, and it really got me thinking. And it was sad, too; it was probably the saddest movie I've ever seen. Man, do I sound like a critic? I better stop before I start rating it and telling you guys to go watch it.

But, yeah. We've been learning about the Holocaust and Worl
d War II a lot lately. And to think that the slaughtering of 6 million people and one of, if not the, largest war in the history of the world started for ONE reason. One feeling. One emotion. HATE.

Yes, hate. Hate and racism started that war. It was really a terrible thing. No, really, it was.

Seriously, you hear all these things about how hate and racism and prejudice and discrimination are bad. But they're much worse than you really think they are. These things can kill us. Kill us all, and rip our planet to shreds. Do you really want that? I didn't think so.

And you would think that after the war had ended and millions of people had been massacred we would learn to cease racism. But nooooo, we humans continue with our idiotic ways. There is still prejudice in the world. I mean, back when owning slaves, people like you and me, was legal, we didn't realize that this kind of stuff was bad. So Abraham Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation, and we were like "Sweet. No more hate. No more Slaves. Yippee."

But the prejudice lingered. It hung within the hearts of many people, and those people passed it down so other people felt the hate. And to this day, the hate lingers. Won't we ever learn?

We might not realize it, but we still discriminate some people. Even when we're just talkin' with friends, we say offensive things. Comments that harm certain groups of people. And even if you say "Oh, I was just messin' around," it's still offensive. It is still considered prejudice or discrimination.

A while ago, someone in my class wrote "Love, Peace, and Happiness" on the cover of one of their books. When I saw it, I thought "Yeah right. It's more like 'Hate, War, and Misery'." So why don't we just CHANGE?

Totally changing the subject, I've decided to chan
ge the title of my blog. But I couldn't decide what to use, so I've made a poll for you guys. You should go vote. Really! It's good for your soul!


Levi said...

It's all very horrible. And I really don't think some people can change.

I watched this movie, Changeling. You may have watched it too. And it left me feeling so depressed because it just showed how corrupt our government can be, and how sometimes justice is never fully served.

It makes me mad when people use their power for their own selfish needs.

Cruz said...

wow Nixx nice rant, totally agree with you... and Levi I think I've seen that movie, with Angelina Jolie? anyway yeah I think the whole Anne Frank story is pretty powerful in itself, which movie did you watch? was it a newer one? cause I've seen this older one and I don't think it did the story justice. okay that's all I got *hugs* Cruz

Dibsy said...

What a coincidence, Levi! At this moment, my mom is watching Changeling! :D

But yes, I've tried watching Anne Frank too. XD

Dibsy said...

What's your email Nixx?

Joanna said...

Yes, it is very sad. Since I'm German a lot of people think it's funny to call me a Nazi... it gets OLD. Most average Germans had nothing to do with the Holocaust. And even if they served under Hitler, many of them were forced to rather than bringing harm to their families, which is what happened to my Great-grandfather. And he ended up killed anyway.

I think prejudice will stay in this world for a very long time... the best thing we can do is be kind in ourselves and fight the hate with love. If others ask us why we're being all goody-two-shoes, we can tell them simply and honestly that we're tired of instigating things for no reason. Maybe they will follow our example. ^^

Nixx said...

Levi: no, i havent seen changeling. it sounds interesting though.

Cruz: the Anne Frank movie i watched was made in 2001, and it definitely did the story justice.

D I B S Y: sorry, dibsy. call me paranoid, but i dont like giving out my email on the internet...

Joanna: i totally agree...i dont have much else to say. i think i've almost fully recovered from my writer's block, but now i have commenter's block.


Dibsy said...

lol nixx ok i'll leave it there... XD

Dibsy said...

filipinos chocolate bar:

filipino chocolate bar:

c said...

LEVI I NEED TO SEE CHANGELING!!! It's out on iTunes now so Yippee! My mom wouldn't let me see it in theaters because it was rated R, but whatever.

I've read The Diary of Anne Frank. It was very good. And I agree with Cruz, that was an excellent rant.