Friday, December 19, 2008

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Ahh, where have all the flowers gone?

When you look outside, do you see the wonder of nature? Or do you see the chaos that we humans have left behind? Do you see trees and flowers and green and wittle bunnies or do you see buildings and litter and gray and stray animals wandering around with their ribs sticking out of their sides?

Think of how even fifty years ago, you could take a glance out your window and see glorious nature. And now you can't.

And it's not just the environment, either. It's the animals.

The poor animals. It's their planet, too, and we stole it from them. We destroy their habitats and replace them with huge factories and homes and useless shopping malls and stores.

I mean, really, how many Walgreen's do you need? How many Wall Marts do you need? Not as many as there are in existence now.

Don't these people realize what they're doing? They're destroying the animals' habitats by building these pointless places throughout the world.

When will they ever learn? When will we ever learn?


Dark wolf said...

uh......i see both, but not really the green trees and white kinda color blind. mmm.......bunnies....sorry. im hungry.


Nixx said...


~Nixx (previously known as shadowolf)

Cruz said...

hey Nixx... you've been tagged

1.Each blogger must post these rules first.
2.Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3.Blogger s that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things.
4.At the end of your blog,you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
5.Don't forget to leave them a comment,telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog

You don't have to play if you don't want to :p

Ember Waltz said...

hey, wanted to say that i love your new story, the dark harvest, it is really really good, and i tried to comment and tell you to keep updating, but it wouldn't let me. so i completely love it and think you should continue.

Timothy Reid said...

It just makes me sick to think of what humans are doing and have done to this earth. It makes me ashamed to be related to humans.